Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator

Exclusive Coaching Program for Service Based Practitioners to Elevate Their Business to $30k+ Months and Beyond!

Join WPA now!

Transform Your Practice: Break Free from Financial Struggles and Unlock Your Growth Potential

Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator

      re you a dedicated chiropractor who's passionate about helping patients but find yourself each month starting over? Do you feel stuck, unable to grow your practice or create consistent cash flowing months? If you're like most practitioners you find yourself feeling frustrated about where your next new patient is going to come from and confused about the next steps in building your dream practice.

Inside of the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator, we've crafted a step by step process that will take you from overwhelmed to overbooked with new patients. WPA is not just another coaching program- it's a journey of transformation that addresses the unique challenges practitioners face while striving for $30K+ months. 


You're not alone—and more importantly, we've created a clear step by step process to help guide you!

Inside The Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator Community

Real Stories, Real Success - Hear How Our Community Is Thriving!

This Transformation is Made for You If:

You want to break the cycle of Uncertainty

Learn how to manage cash flow effectively, reduce unnecessary expenses and maximize profitability. Say goodbye to the anxiety of unpredictable income and hello to the stability and success you deserve.

You struggle with your marketing strategy

Our program provides you with a concrete marketing plan that will attract your ideal clients from the get go. You'll learn how to not only attract more patients but build a community they tell their family and friends about!

you need guidance with value building

Selling your services doesn't have to be daunting.  Learn how to effectively communicate the value of your services, price them attractively, and package them in a way that makes you accessible. 

you want to create systems that run without you 

Whether you're hiring your first employee or are a solo practitioner, we help you create the systems that allow your practice to grow with ease. The more systems you set in place now, the better off you'll be as you continue to serve more people!

The Key Foundations of the 

Unleash the Power of Operation and Systems

Wealthy Practitioner Marketing Method

Stand out, attract more patients, and create a magnetic brand identity. Unleash the potential of effective marketing and branding strategies tailored specifically for wellness practitioners. You'll learn how to leverage the power of online and offline marketing to skyrocket your clinic's visibility and reputation.

Gain Financial Mastery for Long-Term Success

Navigate the financial landscape with confidence and finesse. Discover pricing strategies that optimize revenue generation without compromising patient care. Take charge of budgeting, expense management, and sound financial practices. Learn the ins and outs of billing, insurance processes, and legal compliance, ensuring a rock-solid financial foundation for sustainable growth.

 Prime Your Mind for Success

Priming your mind and setting yourself up for success is the foundation of operating a successful business. Set and smash your business goals with our specialized training. WPA doesn't just teach you to dream big; it equips you with the practical tools to turn those dreams into an actionable, achievable roadmap for the next 12 weeks and beyond.

Unleash the Power of Operational Superiority

Master the art of seamless operations and workflow management. Streamline your appointments, optimize patient flow, and minimize wait times. Transform your clinic into a well-oiled machine, leaving no room for inefficiencies. Say goodbye to chaos and hello to an impeccably organized practice that sets you apart from the competition.

Wealthy Practitioner Marketing Method

Stand out, attract more patients, and create a magnetic brand identity. Unleash the potential of effective marketing and branding strategies tailored specifically for wellness practitioners. You'll learn how to leverage the power of online and offline marketing to skyrocket your clinic's visibility and reputation.

Gain Financial Mastery for Long-Term Success

Navigate the financial landscape with confidence and finesse. Discover pricing strategies that optimize revenue generation without compromising patient care. Take charge of budgeting, expense management, and sound financial practices. Learn the ins and outs of billing, insurance processes, and legal compliance, ensuring a rock-solid financial foundation for sustainable growth.

Patient Acquisition and Retention

Improving Your
Sales Technique

Transition from being a practitioner to a savvy business owner with our sales enhancement strategies. We understand the discomfort many feel around selling. Our program educates the sales process, teaching you how to communicate your value effortlessly and price your services in a way that makes patients eager to pay.

Attracting the new clients has never been easier. Discover the key to long-term success through our patient acquisition and retention strategies. Learn how to convert satisfied patients into loyal, raving fans without breaking the bank. This module emphasizes the importance of building lasting relationships over merely processing transactions.

Improving Your Sales Technique

Transition from being a practitioner to a savvy business owner with our sales enhancement strategies. We understand the discomfort many feel around selling. Our program educates the sales process, teaching you how to communicate your value effortlessly and price your services in a way that makes patients eager to pay.

Patient Acquisition and Retention

Attracting the new clients has never been easier. Discover the key to long-term success through our patient acquisition and retention strategies. Learn how to convert satisfied patients into loyal, raving fans without breaking the bank. This module emphasizes the importance of building lasting relationships over merely processing transactions.

Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator

Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator

Why Did We Create The Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator?

We were just like you! We opened practices from scratch and quickly found out we needed guidance in order to serve more people and make more money. We wanted successful practices full of dream clients that we actually enjoyed serving! This is not a pipe dream, it has become a reality for so many of our clients. So the question becomes...

Are you ready to have the practice of your


Proven roadmap for success

Inside our program, you will gain exclusive access to the blueprints that set both our own practices and those of our clients up for success. Including personally crafted templates to manage your finances, comprehensive documents for seamless team expansion, detailed marketing strategies, and the necessary tools to implement efficient systems. This isn't just another self-paced course leaving you to fend for yourself; WPA  includes bi-monthly coaching calls designed to provide consistency, unparalleled accountability, dedicated implementation, and genuine community. Our commitment is to take the journey with you every step of the way – a level of support not found in any other coaching program of this level.

Yes! I'm ready!

Inside our program, you will gain exclusive access to the blueprints that set both our own practices and those of our clients up for success. Including personally crafted templates to manage your finances, comprehensive documents for seamless team expansion, detailed marketing strategies, and the necessary tools to implement efficient systems. This isn't just another self-paced course leaving you to fend for yourself; WPA includes bi-monthly coaching calls designed to provide consistency, unparalleled accountability, dedicated implementation, and genuine community. Our commitment is to take the journey with you every step of the way – a level of support not found in any other coaching program of this level.

Proven Roadmap for success! 

Answers to Your Most Pressing Questions 

Explore Common Questions and Find Clear Answers on Your Path to Success
with the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator

Explore Common Questions and Find Clear Answers on Your Path to Success with the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator

How long will it take to see results? 

How long will it take to see results? 

If you implement what is needed in your practice, you will see results pretty quickly. Most practitioners start to see results within 30 days of implementing the concepts. This is why coaching calls are so important, not only will we answer your questions and concerns but we will be your accountability partners along the way! 

Is this course suitable for practitioners at all stages? 

Is this course suitable for practitioners at all stages? 

Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator is best suited for clinics generating less than $25-30k/month consistently.

What kind of support is available? 

What kind of support is available? 

Not only does WPA offer an exclusive community and recorded curriculum, but we offer bi-monthly live coaching calls to support you in your journey.

Why is it a 12 month subscription?

Why is it a 12 month subscription?

WPA is meant to help a clinic push past their current plateau and achieve more than they ever have before. We’ve found that each practitioner implements on their own time due to their own circumstances. We feel confident that within 12 months, you should see drastic changes within your practice.

Do you offer a money back guarantee? 

Do you offer a money back guarantee? 

No, we do not...but we understand that this may not be for everyone so please reach out with any issues with the course, coaching or community and we will try to remedy the situation.

Here's What's Included:

12 months access to the content

 Custom Workbooks and Spreadsheets

Your roadmap to staying laser-focused and organized, featuring the proven systems we use in our own successful practices.

Only $397 per month for 12 months,
or get 2 months FOR FREE with a one-time payment of $3997

Your Investment


This means when something gets updated/added to the curriculum you will be notified

Bi-Monthly Coaching Calls

Your dedicated space to address any questions, challenges, or breakthroughs you experience throughout your transformative journey.

Custom Workbooks and Spreadsheets

Your roadmap to staying laser-focused and organized, featuring the proven systems we use in our own successful practices.

Goal-Specific Action Steps

Strategically designed to keep you organized and accelerate your path to achieving your revenue targets

Are you ready?

Only $397 per month for 12 months,
or get 2 months FOR FREE with a one-time payment of $3997



Your dedicated space to address any questions, challenges, or breakthroughs you experience throughout your transformative journey

Strategically designed to keep you organized and accelerate your path to achieving your revenue targets

Here's an Example of How Our Clients are Building Businesses They Love..

Massive change AND impact

 It is so hard for me to put into words all that she's done for me. When I started working with her it was definitely a stretch financially, and honestly mentally. Don't do it if you're not ready for massive changes and massive impact

"Working with Steph is absolutely life changing. From mindset work to tangible, actionable to-do's, she is the most amazing person to have in your corner."



My wife and I were looking for business coaches for awhile to help our office grow. After speaking with Steph, we decided to hire her. After just two months of working with her we are hitting record months back to back! I could not be happier about our decision to go with Steph and where it will lead us to in the future!

"After just two months of working with Steph we had a record month in collections, new patients and total office visits! "

Record months back to back


"Working through the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator gives insights on multiple different aspects of business, from social media and how to target your ideal client to diving into your own personal finances. There have been so many lightbulb moments while taking this course, it has been so helpful for me while I am trying to grow my business.



I have loved working through the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator. For me, it was so helpful that there are practical action steps, things you can actually go and put into your practice. It is not something that you are going to sit and waste an hour on just to get one idea. It is something that you will sit down, listen to and then go actually put the work in. Honestly that is the beauty of working with Steph, she will give you what you actually need. She gives you what you need to build the practice you want without adding all the fluff that would waste your time.

"Working through the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator gives insights on multiple different aspects of business, from social media and how to target your ideal client to diving into your own personal finances. There have been so many lightbulb moments while taking this course, it has been so helpful for me while I am trying to grow my business.

I got exactly WHAT I needed, exactly WHEN I needed it.


WPA has helped us slow down to grow fast. If we would have had the support and guidance right off the bat, we would have saved so many hours and so much frustration by trying to somewhat figure things out on our own. WPA takes the guess work out of it and has has steps to attack your business in a specific order. Now, we work less and collect more. We have systems set in place to simplify the business side of things, so that we can focus on our patients. I no longer feel like they are getting our left over attention!

"We found Stephanie approximately 2.5 years after opening our practice. We were collecting about 20k a month and we were working so, SO much."


Streamlined Success

"After just two months of working with Steph we had a record month in collections, new patients and total office visits! "


Streamlined Success

"We found Stephanie approximately 2.5 years after opening our practice. We were collecting about 20k a month and we were working so, SO much."

WPA has helped us slow down to grow fast. If we would have had the support and guidance right off the bat, we would have saved so many hours and so much frustration by trying to somewhat figure things out on our own. WPA takes the guess work out of it and has has steps to attack your business in a specific order. Now, we work less and collect more. We have systems set in place to simplify the business side of things, so that we can focus on our patients. I no longer feel like they are getting our left over attention!



I have loved working through the Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator. For me, it was so helpful that there are practical action steps, things you can actually go and put into your practice. It is not something that you are going to sit and waste an hour on just to get one idea. It is something that you will sit down, listen to and then go actually put the work in. Honestly that is the beauty of working with Steph, she will give you what you actually need. She gives you what you need to build the practice you want without adding all the fluff that would waste your time.

Join a Community of Like Minded Entrepreneurs

   even years ago, I stood exactly where you are now. This course represents the lessons and strategies I've applied in successfully building not one, but four thriving clinics—and the journey doesn't stop there. Now, it's your turn to build the practice of your dreams, using the wisdom and insights I have gathered from years of real-world experience.

It's time for you to start building the practice you truly desire!

Not sure if WPA is right for you? Book a call with us here to dive deep into the advantages and benefits WPA can bring to your practice. Start the future you've always envisioned for yourself!


book a call!

The Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator 

The Wealthy Practitioner with Dr. Stephanie Wigner ©

The Wealthy Practitioner Accelerator 

The Wealthy Practitioner with Dr. Stephanie Wigner ©